We are Witnesses

Jun 4, 2023    Zach Morgan

The Gospel awakens us to the beauty of God and motivates us to live as witnesses to His work in this world.   We bear witness to the Kingdom through what we say and how we live. The good news of Jesus is shared and shown.

In a world bent on separating secular and sacred, we declare that the whole earth is God’s, everything in it and that, because of Jesus, every moment, no matter how ‘mundane,’ matters for the Kingdom. Because of Christ, everything we do matters.  Embracing the call of love, justice, redemption and restoration, we join with God as we work to make the Kingdom visible with our lives.

We all long to be caught up in something greater than ourselves and to bear witness to the things we have experienced. Sin deadens our hearts towards God and causes us to be too easily satisfied in lesser loves and the things that are fleeting.

The gospel of Jesus wakes us up to the beauty of God.  God has sent each of his sons and daughters to be his witnesses across the entire earth. A witness is someone who declares what they have seen and experienced. As Godʼs witnesses, we go to the ends of the earth to declare who God is and what he has done. At times, this means we not only say who God is and what he has done, but we show who he is through our actions. Sending his people into the world as witnesses is part of Godʼs plan to restore all things. This begins in our homes, moves to our neighborhood and city, and ultimately to the ends of the earth. Being a witness is not an activity you begin and end, but rather a way of living in which we see all aspects of our lives as opportunities to declare who God is and what he has done.

We are witnesses of God sent by God to proclaim the gospel. As witnesses, we are either embarrassed, apathetic or unashamed. We are ambassadors, sent by the King of Kings. As we proclaim the good news of heaven, we live as blessings to members of our community in mundane, everyday ways.